British pound to Ukrainian hryvnia historical chart

British pound (GBP) to Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH) exchange rate chart and trend analysis based on real data sourced directly from UK currency suppliers

GBP to UAH chart


Our British pound to Ukrainian hryvnia chart plots the actual Ukrainian hryvnia exchange rates offered by our panel of UK currency suppliers at the end of each day, so you can keep track of the latest trends and make an informed decision about the best time to buy.


GBP to UAH historical rates

This annual exchange rate summary provides a detailed breakdown of the performance of the pound against the Ukrainian hryvnia over the past several years so you can put today's Ukrainian hryvnia travel money rates into context:

Annual exchange rate data for British pounds to Ukrainian hryvni
2024 33.2627 --- 33.2627 33.2627 ---
2023 --- 33.2627 33.2627 34.5813 ---
2022 --- --- --- --- ---
2021 35.2443 --- 34.3815 36.1101 -100.00%
2020 28.315 35.2443 26.2087 36.3279 24.47%
2019 32.4991 28.315 24.6509 33.6659 -12.87%
2018 34.9353 32.4991 31.4064 37.6709 -6.97%
2017 30.3416 34.9353 29.6142 34.9353 15.14%
2016 32.8913 30.3416 24.8184 35.7895 -7.75%
2015 22.6146 32.8913 21.8657 46.5679 45.44%
2014 12.3689 22.6146 12.2409 22.8553 82.83%
2013 12.1443 12.3689 11.2 13.2909 1.85%
2012 3 12.1443 3 12.3314 304.81%

Best place to buy Ukrainian hryvni in the UK

It's important to use a reputable currency exchange to avoid scams and fraud when buying Ukrainian hryvni, especially if you order online. We compare the Ukrainian hryvnia rates from
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0 tried-and-tested suppliers who have Ukrainian hryvni in stock and ready to order online now.

You can see the full list on our Ukrainian hryvnia travel money comparisons.

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