Compare currency buyback rates

Get the best currency buyback rate by comparing currency buyback deals from the UK's top foreign exchange providers

Euros 1.1438 1.2969
US dollars 1.2525 1.3808
Argentine pesos 4333.04 4333.04
Australian dollars 1.9012 2.2055
Bahamian dollars 1.9119 1.9119
Bahraini dinars 0.4753 0.5504
Barbadian dollars 2.5478 2.865
Bermudian dollars 1.7754 1.7754
Brazilian reais 6.677 7.2503
Brunei dollars 1.8526 1.934
Bulgarian leva 2.3122 2.644
Canadian dollars 1.6995 1.9426
Cayman Islands dollars 1.1507 1.3186
Central Pacific francs 154.853 162.41
Chilean pesos 1094.82 1332
Chinese yuan 9.1224 10.5861
Colombian pesos 5316.73 5961.72
Costa Rican colones 640.259 751.571
Czech koruna 27.9388 33.7335
Danish kroner 8.7349 9.8462
Dominican pesos 74.1136 84.62
Eastern Caribbean dollars 3.4082 3.6597
Egyptian pounds 70.2827 79.87
Fijian dollars 3.0095 3.1568
Gambian dalasis 98.7823 98.7823
Guatemalan quetzales 10.7237 10.7237
Hong Kong dollars 9.8099 11.0668
Hungarian forints 440.302 532.011
Icelandic krona 177.542 203.883
Indian rupees 110.9 124.307
Indonesian rupiahs 20122 23560
Israeli shekels 5.849 5.8881
Jamaican dollars 198.685 227.35
Japanese yen 173.597 204.99
Jordanian dinars 0.8924 1.0288
Kenyan shillings 166.978 194.031
Kuwaiti dinars 0.4042 0.4399
Malaysian ringgits 5.8888 6.864
Mauritian rupees 59.9896 67.47
Mexican pesos 21.3425 23.4629
New Zealand dollars 2.0489 2.401
Norwegian kroner 13.6177 15.7369
Omani rials 0.4835 0.562
Pakistani rupees 535.288 535.288
Peruvian soles 4.9456 5.527
Philippine pesos 73.7947 83.38
Polish zloty 5.088 5.911
Qatari riyals 4.6479 5.329
Romanian lei 5.8829 6.8263
Russian rubles 177.79 177.79
Saudi riyals 4.8001 5.309
Singapore dollars 1.7145 1.9426
South African rand 23.8461 27.2351
South Korean won 1757.7 1895.69
Swedish kronor 13.1195 15.54
Swiss francs 1.1378 1.2795
Taiwan dollars 41.9187 47.5648
Thai baht 43.5832 49.057
Trinidad and Tobago dollars 9.2296 9.3605
Turkish lira 40.8823 47.277
Ukrainian hryvni 81.7786 81.7786
United Arab Emirates dirham 4.5752 5.2665
Uruguayan pesos 56.184 56.2898
Vietnamese dong 31795 37658

Why compare currency buyback rates?

Currency suppliers will often compete with each other to buy your leftover currency because they can sell your cash on again to other customers. For example, right now there's an 12.5% difference between the best and the worst euro buyback rates on offer. For US dollars it's 9.7%, and for Turkish lira it's 14.5%. That's a huge saving just by doing a little shopping around.

Our currency buyback comparisons can help you to find the right buyer by comparing the buyback rates from a wide range of different providers, along with their fees and charges, so you can see which companies are offering the best deals after all costs have been included. More importantly, we only show tried-and-tested companies who are based in the UK, so you can be confident that you're dealing with a reputable and trustworthy currency exchange.

You can choose to sell your currency by post, or - where facilities exist - exchange your currency in person and save on postage fees. All you need to do is tell us what currency you want to sell and how much you have, and we'll do the rest.