Compare currency cards

Currency cards are a low-fee, prepaid alternative to cash and traditional bank cards that are designed to be used abroad

Multi-currency cards

Multi-currency cards can be used anywhere in the world: your preloaded balance is converted into the local currency wherever you use it. Ideal for holidays outside of Europe and the USA, or for trips to multiple countries with different currencies.

Compare multi-currency cards

Euro cards

Take a prepaid Euro card with you to any of the Eurozone countries and benefit from some of the best exchange rates available. Unlike your UK credit or debit card, most prepaid Euro cards don't charge you any fees for making payments or withdrawing cash anywhere in Europe.

Compare euro currency cards

US dollar cards

Specifically designed for use in the USA, prepaid US Dollar cards make a great primary or backup payment method. Chip-and-pin security, brilliant exchange rates and no usage fees - you can use your card anywhere in America that accepts VISA or MasterCard.

Compare US dollar currency cards

Currency cards

Currency cards are a secure, cheap and convenient way to spend abroad. Your balance is loaded onto the card in advance and topped-up as needed so you can't go overdrawn and you don't need a credit check to get one. They are specifically designed to be used overseas, with lower fees and better exchange rates that regular UK bank cards.