Covent Garden FX exchange rates

Today's latest Covent Garden FX travel money exchange rates, updated 2 minutes ago at 4:10pm

Covent Garden FX have 37 currencies in stock and ready to order now. Buy online and get your currency delivered securely to your door, or collect your order in person from Covent Garden FX's family-run Bureau de Change in Central London.

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Covent Garden FX travel money rates

These are the latest Covent Garden FX exchange rates available right now. You must buy or reserve your currency online to guarantee these rates or you may be given a lower rate in-store.

EUR Euros 1.152
USD US dollars 1.2164
AUD Australian dollars 1.8507
BHD Bahraini dinars 0.4096
BBD Barbadian dollars 2.3325
BGN Bulgarian leva 2.1175
CAD Canadian dollars 1.681
CLP Chilean pesos 1096.15
CNY Chinese yuan 8.5072
CZK Czech koruna 27.5551
DKK Danish kroner 8.1409
DOP Dominican pesos 67.0046
HKD Hong Kong dollars 9.2024

Compare Covent Garden FX's exchange rates

We compare hundreds of exchange rates from dozens of currency suppliers across the UK. Select a currency below to see how Covent Garden FX's rates compare against other providers. Bear in mind that exchange rates aren't the only important factor when it comes to getting the best deal; commission, card surcharges and delivery costs can all affect the final amount of currency you'll receive. You can see the full range of currency deals on offer right now on our travel money comparisons.


Travel money order limits and fees

Travel money orders are subject to a minimum order amount of £350 for collection and £350 for delivery. There are no maximum order amounts. Delivery is free for orders over £750, otherwise a £7.50 delivery charge will apply.

Travel money for in-store collection
Minimum order amount£350
Maximum order amountNo maximum
Surcharge for payment by debit cardNone
Surcharge for payment by credit cardNone
Travel money for home delivery
Minimum order amount£350
Maximum order amountNo maximum
Minimum order amount for free delivery£750
Delivery charge for orders under free delivery amount£7.50
Surcharge for payment by debit cardNone
Surcharge for payment by credit cardNone

Latest Covent Garden FX reviews

Our users have rated Covent Garden FX Excellent in 730 reviews. Read more on our Covent Garden FX reviews page.


Fast delivery. Good rates.

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Alisa Udachina

Sent back currency took 2 days to receive payment the process was slow with little or no communication left me feeling anxious that it had gone missing

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Nick Collins

The only place to buy currency have purchased for many year. the best rates and best service keep going back a big thank you to Victoria who’s been looking after me for years. First class service well done.

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